Autocross Schedule for 2025

The California Central Coast Region (CCCR) Porsche Club of America (PCA) 2025 Autocross (AX) schedule has been set.  We hope to see you out there this year.  As usual, all of our AX events are held at the Santa Maria, CA (SMX) airport.  If you have any questions, please reach out.  Our goal is to make this an easy, comfortable and safe way for you to get out and drive fast.  All events are done through motorsportreg.  Registration opens for PCA members about 5 weeks out from the event; 3 weeks out registration will open to non-PCA.  We have a total of six autocrosses along with two special events.  The season will open with our annual AX Academy.  While any experience level will learn from this, it is really intented for the novice autocrosser.  If you’ve never done AX, never done any high performance driving and want to safely get into the sport, this is the Academy for you.  Expect 1.5hr of classroom instruction followed by hours of on track driving with one on one coaching.  We go through several exercises focusing on specific skill sets followed by runs of a full AX course.  In May we will hold our first ever “Ladies Only” AX.  The intent is all driver entrants will be ladies only.  We will have our usual AX staff/volunteers there to work the course, run timing and provide driving instruction when needed.  This event will not have any car classes, no points awarded, it is a for fun event.

  • April 5 – Annual AX Academy
  • April 6 – AX #69
  • May 17 – AX #70
  • May 18 – “Ladies Only” AX
  • June 21 – AX #71
  • July 26 – AX #72
  • Sept 6 – AX #73
  • Oct 4 – AX #74

This last bit of info is purely to be open and transparent with you all, we will share information as we receive it.  We have a great setup at the Santa Maria Airport for which we are extremly grateful for and we are in good standing with the Santa Maria Airport.  That said, there is a chance we could lose the venue this year.  No incidents have occured, this is simply a business decision.  The airport has let us know we will be on a month to month lease of the facility starting in June.  They have accepted  our dates for the entire 2025 season and we will march forward.  The Airport is not at liberty to share what’s going on, I can only assume they’re pursuing a business venture that would lease out that part of the airport.  We have been told if this deal occurs, we will be given a month notice and will lose the facility.  So, if you’ve been delaying coming out, get registered for our April and May events as none of us knows what may happen after that.  Nothing is set in stone at this point, the airport has been kind enough to give us a heads up there’s a possability we could lose the facilty, but at this point it’s still just a maybe.

I hope you’ll join us for this season. Again, please reach out with any questions you have, I’m here to help.

Fred S. Herr

CCCR PCA  AX Director

Porsche Club of America California Central Coast Region