News From the Office of Membership Director

Hopefully you have had a chance to meet some of our newest members this month at our New Member BBQ. If not, you can catch up with them at the Holiday Dinner on December 1st at the SLO Country Club. Sign up is through with a cut off of November 21st. That would be tomorrow as I write this memo. IF you forgot and still want to attend you can contact our President. She may have a cancellation you can fill.

Let me list their names, the Porsche they own and the date they joined here. These are just a few of our 72 members this year.

Mike Stiles 11/18/19 1975 914 2.0

Austin Kalb 11/17/19 2019 GT3RS

Miguel Hernandez 10/12/19 2006 911 Cab S

Brennan Johnson 10/29/19 2010 911 GT3

Marta Karpiel 11/4/19 2012 Panamara

Bill Lupen 11/1/19 2009 Carrera Cab S

Anthony Nunez 10/1/19 2004 Boxster

Thomas Reay 10/25/19 2002 911 Cab

Felipe Meraz 9/4//16 Cayman GT4

As membership director I attended a Webinar put on by the National Membership Director, Jim Hemig. It was an hour long program full of great information. I can share just a little here with more to come each month.

First topic of business was “What is our (PCA) market Potiential in North America”

They have provided a breakdown by region that includes Canada, on our PCA website. You’ll see that we have about 20% of the total Porsches on the road. That means that 80%, or about 450,000 cars are not members. 30% of them are “classic” Porsches, and 34% are 4 door. Classic meaning pre 2004. Who would have ever thought?

I’ve run out of space in this month’s newsletter so I’ll pick up next month with topics such as:

How to retain members.

Survey of members

Personal interviews

Referrals from dealerships

Increasing membership in PCA Juniors

Finding Porsche owners using social media

Leverage using the Web

See you at the next event.

Jack Ravin

2018 Macan

Porsche Club of America California Central Coast Region